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Old 03-18-2001, 11:03 AM   #24
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: March 11, 2001
Location: Long Beach, MS
Posts: 354
Well, Korgan doesn't strike me as the type to chew too carefully, which brings us to the question:

Do the hemaglobin building properties of eating nails (I mean the highly ferrous ones) offset the effects of intestinal hemorrage, or do the innately alkali(in comparison) digestive enzymes of Dwarves inhibit gaining an advantage in iron binding capacity?

Some things just keep me up at night, you know?

For an empirical answer to your question, I'd have to go with visual observation as my primary tool so I could discover:

Is his dookey red, or is it brown? Thanks God for a Constitution modifier for Dwarves, is all I can say.

and the flaming sword turning every way, guards the tree of life.
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