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Old 03-09-2001, 08:17 PM   #10
Bastet - Egyptian Cat Goddess

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Sweden
Age: 50
Posts: 3,450
Ok, this will be my last post this morning, have to go to bed before I fall asleep ontop of the keyboard. Well I find I like this story so I will continue it. Here is th last thing I have typed. I will start posting it on my site soon, canīt let Tobbin and BK get all the glory on my own page hehe
The morningmist had just disappered and the sun still shined on them as they made their way to a small road that was used by traveling merchants to bring ore and pelts from the mountains and to trade with pottery and finer tools they had picked up from the Hill dwarves that lay on the road to the capital. This road was not a safe road by any means, robbers and the dark tribes usually raided along it, but if they could caught up eith a merchant caravan they could perhaps get a ride and serve as guards, a strong force may scare away the miner nuiancies that two lone travelers could find a scourge. Well no tracks so far had showed any recent caravan though so they would have to quicken their pace if they would find any.
-Arenīt you curious why you are to escort me to Haran?, Elusine suddenly asked.
-A bit I must confess, Garann said without looking back, but it is not my place to ask, I have sworn to my ancestors that I would see you to Haran safely or die trying.
-Well I would prefer to ger there safe and with you alive she said with a hint of humour in her voice.
-Me too, Garann said.
-Youīre not going to ask are you, Elusine said, annoyed with his stubborness no doubt.
-No, he answered truthfully back.
-Well, she started somewhat hesitant, my mothe, the queens sister and the Seer of my people had a vision with me in it. She told me that if I didnīt got to the Order and met a certain man, a Paladin, who would go out on a crusade against the dark tribes, he would die before he could save us all. And you too was important, the mightiest of the Wolf clan. Her voice held a tone ofa joking challenge. That is you isnīt it? She asked again with that dry humour evidently in her voice.
-So far as I know, I am their best swordsman, but some of us are very good with axes too, are you sure the fighter in your mothers dream wasnīt wearing an axe? Would be silly if we got there and the wrong man is out hunting elk instead of this evil wouldnīt it?
-Yes indeed, she laughed. A sweet sound like small windchimes.
Damn, he has a broad back that one, Elusine thought as she hurried her steps to keep up with the "short" barbarian. She rememberd when she had come to their village and all the barabarians had chided Garann because they had choosed the shortest barbarian among them to go out fighting this BIG evil.
Garann had glared them down, his scares and tatoos of a sword master to evidently on his body. A sworddancer aswell, well she hadnīt seen any of the wolclans fighters in action but her mother had told her they were fierce and very good with any weapon. She hadnīt believed that they could impress on aher groving up with her sisters, famed in the surrounding kingdoms because of their own reputation as skilled warriors. The night they had been ambushed by the ogres she had, five men had ushered her and Garann to run while they fought the Ogres. They had killed all but one which had caught up to them, Garann had simply howled and in a mesmerising way leadped at it, in an incredible speed he had cut the monsters both hamstrings and shortly after he had sheath his sword the ogres head severed from the body. She hadnīt even got off one simple spell of protection before it was over. Garann, his black haitr held back with a leather cord, grim in eyes and face had told her to hurry, less she would disrespect his friends sacrifice. She know that he hurt inside to leave his brothers alone in that fight, she also knoew that he would probably have saved alot of them but he knew that this was important and therefor had reluctantly agreed to flight over fight. He hadnīt talked much since, damned be the skies she laughed silently for herself, he hadnīt talked much at all..
Well things were looking brighter now, he at least joked along with her now. He seems abit shy though, hehe..
Well, please opinions please. Can someone give me some ideas for Elusines personality please. I was thinking of having her like a tomboy(?) since she is afterall an Amazone, but well donīt hold males in high value but she wonīt be foolheade and end up in all sorts of dilemmas having Garann having to save her all the time but rather pull her weight around herself. Garann I have sort of figured out so far, a down to earth kicking ass and all out of gum type.

I will also let them meet a Paladin from the Order Of the Holy flame later, a tru Chavalier, named Christof (of course, who ohas not played Vampire? shame..) who will be the cool and well balanced knight, not as young and annoying as Anomen but not as old and experienced as Keldorn.


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