Thread: Reeka, Moiraine
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Old 03-13-2001, 02:07 PM   #34
Lord Ao

Join Date: March 3, 2001
Location: London, England
Age: 30
Posts: 2,021
Oh shite.

Me jip you....sounds wonderful, although I fear we may be talking at crossed purposes. Conceited....I hope not, inserted would be more favourable to me but unlikely. Why is it that I'm beginning to feel that I have two very persistent (and pretty...grovel, grovel but true) women on my case that aren't likely to let go in the near future until rewarded. I'm in the deep shite without me gumboots. Tell me girls, what can I do to alleviate my suffering at having VERY accidently led you up the garden path. Ladyzekke, Reeka why not join our m/p game for the evening and allow me to shower you in gold (that I shall borrow permanently from other party members) and get you totally plastered in a romantic little hovel that I was once evicted from. The wine is shite and the food non existant but who gives a toss when you've drank so much grog that speech is impossible and walking like a crab is the only possible means of getting from A to B...and back to A again....and again. This could be the experience of a lifetime.....not necessarily a good one but an experience none the less....what say you?

>Charlie casts haste on self<..........didn't work...........>Charlie casts invisibility on self<............didn't work..............>Charlie casts charm person x 2 on girls<.............f**k, failed very miserably...........>Charlie remembers through drunken stupor that he's not a magic user and panics<..........>Charlie hides in shadows<...........shit, drunken belching gives location away........>Charlie weeps and goes back to pub to ponder next shite prize offer<

One love, peace.
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