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Old 02-07-2001, 05:05 AM   #12
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: February 28, 2001
Location: Boston/Sydney
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Pickup lines not to use (so I've heard )

1. U know why it's dark outside? Because all the stars are in your eyes.
2. (Only Aussies will probably understand this) You remind me of Queensland, beautiful one day, perfect the next!
3. You're so sweet, you're giving me a toothache!
4. Are you an angel? I saw you and thought I'd gone to heaven!
5. You should be tired, I've been chasing you around in my mind all night!

I could think up millions more but I won't.

What I used on my girlfriend? "The fact that you're incredibly beautiful is the least of the many things that make me want to get to know you better!"Believe me I did mean it at the time which is probably why it worked. The fact that we were both really drunk at a nightclub doesn't really matter, does it?
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