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Old 02-06-2001, 10:56 PM   #1

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: Texas, USA
Posts: 187

My girlfriend, having finally sobered up and found her eyeglasses, has given me the ye olde boot. I am therefore going over my semi-sordid past and realize one of my many faults is that I have never had a smooth line to pique a lady's curiosity to the point she forgets I am an overweight, out of shape, middle aged twit.

I am relying on you, dear people, to give me examples of what to, and not to say, to strange women (believe me, they have to be mighty strange to let me say anything before reaching for their pepper spray). I would find feminine advice most helpful (But don't say, "Be yourself." Methinks that may be why I am currently unattached!)
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