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Old 03-06-2001, 09:03 PM   #56
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
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Bilqis, Parents blame the schools, the schools blame the parents and I personally think society at large is to blame. We tolerate far more than we should, in my opinon. (let the flames begin..I got my asbestos +3 shield ready LOL )

My friend who just put her teenager into Catholic school substitute teaches in the local schools (lower grades up to HS) and in the middle and high schools she gets verbally abused on a daily basis. On one occasion she was physically assaulted and on another she was threatened with bodily harm. In the last case, the high school principal called the father of the student who made threats in for a talk with him and my friend. The father was outrageously verbally abusive, threatened physical harm to both of them and accused the teacher of beating up his son! His son is a hulking bully and my friend just stood there and laughed. The principal gave the father a warning and the kid got off without a penalty!


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