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Old 03-06-2001, 11:59 AM   #29
Gray Mage
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Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 999
Moridin, I think that if we enforce the laws we have, there won't be a need to ban guns. Not that that will work because ther will always be a way to get them.

I think what Drconia was saying is that not only gun safety, but Morality and discipline are being taught. There is a time and a place for guns...hunting, target practice, etc. Not when somebody pisses you off

In the instances you mentioned they were taught gun safety, but the parents had no Idea what there kids were into. They said that, they dressed in black and when they look back saw signs, but didn't take the time to see what the hell was going on.

These kids had a pad-lock on there closet. When i was growing-up my parents motto was my house my rules. If I didn't like it I could move out. Now if these parents didn't know why there was a lock, or that there was a lock there is something wrong. They need to be involved in their kids life.

Anyway this is an issue that I feel strongly offense


Feel My Power

[This message has been edited by Gray Mage (edited 03-06-2001).]
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