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Old 03-08-2001, 09:29 AM   #22
Bastet - Egyptian Cat Goddess

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Sweden
Age: 50
Posts: 3,450
Hmm i do have some savings and well it´s tempting! And i have wanted so much to go to France and see all your great museums and art galleries.. Though i would probably starve or get beaten up cause I only now phrases that would get me involved with ladies or start a fight I´m afraid..

A marvel fan you say, thats nice, but I only like storm in the movie i know but I´m a big fan of nice looking women! I am a man you know.. hehe

Ehrm. Well I like Wolverine best though..
I have a darn cool image of him, once the server is back on track I´ll show you!!

How about we explain the different classes and maybe the different feats? They do make alot of impact into the game, my friend as i have mentioned earlier plays a big gruffy Dwarven fighter he smiles ever so evily when he can use his cleave and great cleave.. last fight we had was in a cavern full of small Kobolds. Boy did he have a great time! I can picture this inBG2, a dwarf spraying bodyparts around him....


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