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Old 03-03-2001, 10:23 AM   #30
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Upstate NY USA
Posts: 19,737
bilqis...ah that's another whole ball o'wax...I'm not competitive, er let me re-phrase that! ...MY JOB is classified as non-competitive-ie: I didn't go through usual civil service channels for it because the ordinary testing they do doesn't cover the skills needed, specifically the Russian language requirement. (LOOOONG time ago the old Slavic dept got the Governor of NY to create the postion that is the one I now hold specially for them) What this means is: the dept can hire without going through the civil svc rosters and the incumbent(me) cannot advance or laterally move within the civil service ranks. My seniority is recognized only in bumping of others to move up or out for me...sigh.. effective: brick wall! But the contracts have mostly been good, so I've stuck it out this long.

Storm-Queen -aka The Purple Rose of the Black Knight
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