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Old 05-19-2001, 09:11 AM   #123
Very Mad Bird

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Breukelen (over the river from New Amsterdam)
Age: 52
Posts: 9,246
Far out I had an interesting night. I have an idea as to one reason why the Irish are so talented at the music they play: If they are not brilliant they are told to shut up.

I went to a couple of Inns here in Galway and caught some very good trad Irish music. Fiddles, whistles, flutes, pipes, accordians, guitars, etc etc. oh and of course a Bodhran. The bodhran player though was from Melbourne Australia, and had bought my first single nine years ago!

So I got him to give me some pointers on the Bodhran, an Irish drum. I was playing away - not too badly either, just not like I'd been playing for twenty years like some of the players - when this old Irish fellow came up to me and said,
"Could you shot the foch op!"

I've never been told to stop making music in my life. When I turned to look at him closer he walked away shaking his head in incredulity. I asked my Australian tutor if I was playing badly and he said,
"No, the Irish are funny like that. They'll come up to you and say 'You're shit, shut up'".

The music was damn good though. I was blown away by the talent, and it was in free pubs! Galway is a very vibey town. It was like one big street party at times. I met a Scottish Bagpiping busker, resplendant with long orange hair and beard who looked like he was from Braveheart. Great guy though, he's invited me to a party tonight!

I also met a troup of percussionists who were asked to move on because of the crowd that had gathered. The Garda (sp?) were worried about a RIOT! What a riot!

Anyhow, I've bought some Celtic music, am going to head to some barren coast and play the tin whistle I just bought (to replace one that broke last year).
Oh yeah, I also met a heap of French speaking Celts from Brittany up here.


I am the walrus!.... er, no hang on....

A fair dinkum laughing Hyena!

[This message has been edited by Yorick (edited 05-19-2001).]
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