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Old 10-09-2004, 02:22 PM   #1

Join Date: May 19, 2002
Location: The US of A
Age: 35
Posts: 2,365
My army consists of a total of 800 men and I am besieging the Germans and in the settlement they have 750. My army is split in two. One has six hundred and the other 200 (including the faction leader). I decide to assault the settlemnet I decide to take control of the smaller army. As I approach the gates my ram was destroyed by the Chosen Archers. Thankfully I had ladders. After a while I finnaly breach the wall and battle ensues. Now I see that my reinforcements haven't budged and I assumed that their ram was destroyed as well. I sent my calvary along with my faction leader to capture the gates on their side. When I finally did arrive my troops were exhausted. The resistance we met was chosen archers and they quickly fell beneath the hooves. But just around the corner was sixty spearman (Calvary's bane) I sent some calvary to charge dead ahead and had some others attack from the flank. We were winning! But my faction leader was killed and the rest of the calvary was slaughtered or fled. And those that were fleeing were killed by the towers that spat arrows. Meanwhile the rest of my army went to attack the square. The opposition (mostly melee units) we met was crippled by my archer's arrows. However I ran out of arrows are charged the rest of my archers against the waiting spearmen. The archers soon fled and I sent what remained of my calvalry (I had two units of Roman Leigionnares but had little numbers mostly due to the arrows of the damnable towers) My calvary managed to defeat the spearmen but at a very high cost.

Around this time there was only 15 or 20 calvary altogether. Then the chosen archers my faction leader greatly weakened charged at my calvary. They were losing but soon the rememaing spearmen came. I sent a calvary unit at their flank and I know I could have won if they hadn't soiled their pants and fled.

With 200 hundered units I managed to slaughter six hundred Germans. What remained of my units was below ten. And all 600 reinforcments were all fresh and standing there.......with their battering ram. I could not tell you how infuriating that was. Is there a patch or anything that I can disable that damned A.I.?
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