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Old 03-25-2006, 02:40 AM   #2
40th Level Warrior
Ms Pacman Champion
Join Date: April 15, 2002
Location: Utrecht The Netherlands
Age: 58
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Erm...yeah, that's what leveling up is for, remember ? You expect your character to make NBA Allstar sort of jumps right from the start ? If you played Morrowind, you'll remember that your character at first pretty much sucked at everything, spellcasting was poor, meleefighting miserable, lockpicking impossible, and speed and jumping wasn't a picknick either, but after leveling up a bit, things improved rapidly, and eventually i jumped off high buildings and mountains, and ran faster than the olympic gold medallist at the 100 mtrs dash.

You're forming an opinion on a game you haven't even fully experienced yet, give it some time.
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