Thread: LOF: Awakenings
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Old 06-10-2007, 02:44 PM   #257
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Join Date: February 14, 2002
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"Alright, let's get out then. Like Sever said, *some* of us have a stroy to share with the other two, and this interrogation, er.. "swapping of stories", would be better done by a campfire outside, than this place here."

As they turned to leave, Xaver remembered something. "You know, we never actually bothered to check the body of the ettin itself... And... I think I remember seeing a samll opening in the cave wall around the same place where we fought the monster. I considered for a moment hiding there for a surprise attack on the ettin, but then the battle started and I completely forgot about it. We might check it out too. The creature might have just hidden something there."
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