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Old 01-20-2007, 04:52 PM   #68
Emerald Dragon

Join Date: April 6, 2005
Location: Denmark
Age: 38
Posts: 903

As the group headed for the village, everyone at their own pace, some running ahead, others taking a calm walking speed, something was happening out in the lake.

The V-shaped wave that Evon had seen earlier was now visible even despite the rain and wind whipping up the water. It had grown to a few feet in length and showed no sign of slowing down, if anything, it was speeding up. Any attempts to ascertain what was creating it were pointless, with rain being blown into their eyes and flashes of lightning blinding them, they were hardly even capable of keeping track of where they were going.

At the village, the lizardmen appeared to have arranged themselves into two rows of five each, a front line closer to the water, armed with spears, and a second line, a bit more staggered, taking cover behind some of the huts with javelins. The ones close to the water had braced their spears against the sand, as if prepared for a charge.

Tamora was the first at the scene, the lizardmen glanced sideways at her, but didn't seem about to try to stop her. She was followed by Lorath, Evon and Anne, with Gan and Bas arriving last.

They arrived just ahead of the wave, which seemed to subside about forty yards from the water's edge. For a moment, all was calm, even the rain and wind seemed to hold their fury for a second, almost like a cheap ploy to increase dramatic tension!

The silence held for a second, then another, everything seemed to be holding it's breath, waiting for someone, something to act.

Then it happened.

Without warning the water exploded, and for a moment it seemed as though the lake itself was launching an assault on the lizardmen. What looked like a pseudopod of pure liquid, transparent and coloured only a faint blue, had emerged from below the surface and was reaching towards the beach for prey. Before anyone could react, it was followed by another, another and yet more until six of the terrifying things were surging towards the lizardmen. Each was as wide around as Gan, and managing to reach the shore from forty feet out. None of them seemed to have any features, they were amorphous, contracting and lenghtening without any apparent limitations.

(OOC: Alright, unless you're going to run, hide or just stay out of the fight, PM me your character's tactics.

EDIT: Things people have asked me about outside of the game already, added here in case anyone else wanted to know the same things.

The tentacles are about ten yards from reaching the lizardmen, and the nearest members of the party are about fifty yards from the lizardmen. The village is large enough that you're still close to some of the huts, however. The lizardmen are about five yards from the water's edge.)

[ 01-20-2007, 05:02 PM: Message edited by: PurpleXVI ]
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