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Old 04-07-2005, 07:05 PM   #13
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
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She looked at the human in confusion, but then glanced back to the way that Yevaud had left and quickly responded to Marcos,

"Oh...well...sure...whatever you need then. Please...Yevaud has never left the safety of Evermeet before now. I cannot bare to think he is alone against a skilled drow!"

Human guard that brought Vince his armor:

He looked at the elf in confusion, then glanced back the way that the other elf had run with three other guards to have all the fun while he was stuck here taking elvish lessons.

"Anything you say, fella. But if all of us go running off to fight whoever is up there...who'll stay behind and take care of the maiden, 'ere"?

He thumbed a gesture at Anarrima.

"She says she cain't cast spells right now...and so she's no business going up there."


She turned to the guard making a fuss over her, and smiled.

"Do not take on worry for me, human. I am still capable of many things without my blessings of magic. Why don't you three go upstairs and see what the fuss is all about. Make haste now!"

[ 04-07-2005, 07:06 PM: Message edited by: Larry_OHF ]
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