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Old 01-24-2005, 07:16 PM   #4
Jack Burton

Join Date: March 31, 2001
Location: The zephyr lands beneath the brine.
Age: 39
Posts: 5,459
Inquisitor Marcos of Snowdale - 98/98

"The plan is this. It appears that Silverfall's enemies are nearer than is desirable. Those who do not wish to fight are to make their way to the front door. For the rest of us the commitment to battle is only sensible if we may make a difference.
From what I have learnt there are two main foes to battle. One is a mage, the other a were creature.
The wizard is dangerous because magic is dangerous. I have spent much of my life fighting creatures just like this one, and there are several basic tricks I may share with you.

"First of all, a mage has trouble casting magic when surrounded by metal. I doubt you will manage to slip a suit of mail over his head but it is worth keeping in mind.
Secondly, the mage will also have some difficulty when distracted. The more he puts his mind to dodging swords, the less he can thing about the wording of the spells. Even if you fail to strike the mage, keeping him occupied is helping everyone.
Third, a wizard who cannot hear his own voice as he speaks arcane syllables is likely to fail in his casting. Muting his hearing, or indeed, shouting into his ear, may accomplish such an effect.
Fourth, as you experienced, a wizard with his hands bound is almost always unable to hurl magic about. If you see the oppertunity to get around any daggers he might hold, holding him tightly is the single best approach. The nets may also be of use here, restricting his actions.
Finally, a wizard needs to speak in order to use his magic. Blows aimed at his throat and mouth prevent this. Any impacts knocking the breath out of him buy you time. Keep this in mind when you face the warlock.

"As for the were-creature, we cannot fight it here. If it shows itself, we shall withdraw to the dining room as planned. It is a single floor above us, by the stairs Silverfall took. Our aim right now is to disable our enemies as swiftly as possible. Should that prove an impossible task, we shall delay them for as long as we may. Preferably, without dying in the process. Remember that it is Silverfall they are after, and we are but in the way.

[ 01-24-2005, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: Legolas ]
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