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Old 10-16-2004, 08:45 PM   #1
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: November 24, 2001
Location: Australia
Age: 38
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Ok I am hoping to experament with a RPG based roughly on the Call of Cathulu PnP system, but since I do not have the player's guides or the GM's booklets I will be running it on a sort of half-assed setup .

For those who do not not Call of Cthulu is a Dungeons and Dragons like game set in either modern time or oftern in the 1920s, this RPG will be run in modern time. The CoC world is based largely on the writings of H.P. Lovecraft and focuses on the paranormal (reminds me of an earlier version of the X-Files ). Unlike DnD it focuses more on puzzle solving and investigation then fighting lots of beasties (although there will be combat.) A unique addition is the Sanity Points system which can have the effect of your character being driven insane (which will be treated like death.)

Ok so each character will need some basic stats such as:
Strength - This measures your character's ability to carry great weights and move heavy things.
Constitution - How far you can run, your resistance to disease, how long you can climb etc.
Size - Small/Average/Large, the bigger you are the more likely you are to be able to knock down doors etc. The smaller you are the more likely you can fit into small spaces.
Intellegence: How smart your character is.
Dexterity: How flexable you are, how well you can catch etc.
Appearance: Much like Charisma but it only judges your appearance as your manners etc will be shown through your playing of the character.
Education: Level of Education
Sanity: 50-100, how many sanity points your character has
And last of all: a description of your character.

The game will be largely roleplay, so it will be more focused on interaction between characters and NPCs then on combat.

Now classes are as such:
Soldier: Focus on weapon knowledge and skills, by far the best for combat situations
Doctor: Capable of performing surgery and minor ifrst aid upon people, can also conduct autopsies and identify injuries.
Tech: Electronics master, highly skilled with computers and other electonics.
Scientist: Highly knowledgeable in many areas, very good at research.
Occultist: Someone largely interested in the paranormal and occult, will be capable to recognising some creatures and symbols.

Now since it is set in modern time you can feel free to suggest other classes but those are the ones that came off the top of my head.

[ 10-16-2004, 10:03 PM: Message edited by: shadowhound ]
Carpe Noctem: Ph’nglui mglw’nafh cthulhu r’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.
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