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Old 09-07-2004, 04:47 PM   #8

Join Date: January 5, 2002
Location: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Age: 39
Posts: 6,043
Stormy steps onto a circular metalic platform. The gravity suddenly increases and you feel as if the platform is hugging your feet. Suddenly the whole world around you shakes as the transport platform breaks free of the base it was attatched to so you could step onto it. Quickly the platform pushes away from the Lylock base station, you see the many fanciful lights of the mega city pass you by, it jerks at 90 degree angles to pass between buildings and the platform even rotates at 90 degree angles, making the entire world feel all the more confusing and disjointed. The platform passes through a checkpoint and quickly the world rushes past you. You are suddenly caught by another checkpoitn which slows down your movement, you see what much be thousands, no... hundreds of thousands, of people, just like yourself, flying around at odd pre-programed angels on platforms and defying all standard laws of physics and gravity to reach their destination. As you look below you you see cracked, dry, blackened earth, with many colorfull power lines passing below with giant sparks of electricity passing over them. The world shakes and suddenly you are, once again, thrown into the fray of traffic and large buildings as they pass by. The platform rotates 180 degrees and you are upside down. It then passes under several windowed walkways, and through some clouds, suddenly you are far above the traffic, and for a minute, you feel free of the confines of traffic, but then you hit a checkpoint, a ring accelerates you and you are rappidly traveling in between what appear to be much slower moving vehicles, you then hit another checkpoitn and you see the giant static television for a sky prominant above all else, you lift up toward it, as if it was some form of heaven which you were rising up to, but your rising it cut short by a quick descent at a 45 degree angle down toward the earth, you pass by thousands mroe travelers and then you can see it, through the masses of traffic and clouds, you can see a chunk of the earth, floating, miles above where it used to lay, with a giant red sphere fitted into a gyrascope... a Collapsed universe now being used as a power source for keeping the city afloat... It's one of many islands like it. This one however, is especially famous, as it is the home of the mercenaries guild... Tar-Aurus. As you near you can see the lights of the city, the traffic around you buzzes and zips by and beocmes more and more crowded, as you near the city you begin to rotate this time you are not even facing the island but you are still flying straight toward it, there's always something unnerving about flying at fast speeds with out being able to stare directly into the brink... you have to surrender everything to the pre-programed transporting machines. Quickly you are jerked around and this time you are facing a group of windows, inside you can see masses of people walking around, little cabanas with umbrellas, a food court area, and all at once you rotate around 5902 degrees at odd angles, barley hitting other people nearing and exiting the dock, and all at once the moving world comes to a stop and an assertive male voice speaks with a grunt "Please step off". There is irony in the phraise, as not stepping off quickly will result in your termination, or worse yet, another ride to another location. The sheer thought of this causes you to jump off of the platform, and you now find yourself in a large hall with a skylight, above you can still see the traffic, incredibly busy today, ahead of you you can see all sorts of people walking around, the most prominent detail are two flights of stairs which are flooded with people trying to reach the portals. Ironically there is an elevator which is moving up and down quickly but no one seems to be taking it. You hear a clicking sound on your earpeice... its the Lylock captain. "You're looking for a Merc, he's hard to spot, all I know is he's a teifling of some kind, deffinetly not your type, but you're gonna have to live with it, Ill remind you again that I'm getting these orders from the future, after all.

What do you choose to do?
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