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Old 01-12-2003, 01:15 PM   #1

Join Date: January 5, 2002
Location: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Age: 39
Posts: 6,043
I don't really feel like making you people read alot: So I'll just put it as simply as possible:

In order for this game to work, I need 4 people to join as Judges, and as many players as possible to act as Bards.

Now when you sign up as a bard, the idea wont be to fight monsters, but convince the judges that you're funny. It will take place in a small town with a little surrounding forest and if you like you can go out and about and collect jokes for your routine. All-in-all, All bards report to the town hall by a certain hour apointed by the judges and then put on performances before a live audience, sometimes they will be comedy related stand-up routines, other times just simple jesting and talent shows. It will be like a big non-stop comedy block schedule. And more and more bards can come in later. All people who want to join the community can either PM me, or Preferably post a reply here. Remember: We need 4 people to sign up as judges for the competition and give scores ranging from 1 to 10 allowing only 2 decimal places. (example: He stcored a 9.5 or a 4.25) all judges must post their scores for every participant after they have done their routine before the next performance can begin [img]tongue.gif[/img]

I'll put all the PCs names here:

Judges: (Closed)
Lord High Eater of Legs
AzRaeL StoRmBlaDe

Contestants: (Still Accepting Participants)
Callum Kerr
Dark Angel
Killing Spree

Audience Members:
Any Lurkers Who Want To Post a Comment (Everyone)

Good luck everyone

[ 01-20-2003, 02:18 PM: Message edited by: /)eathKiller ]
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