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Old 05-08-2002, 07:36 AM   #9

Join Date: May 4, 2001
Location: The Outside Looking In
Age: 37
Posts: 4,361
The ride to Ravenwood was pretty uneventful. Even though it was a twelve hour journey nothing came out at him. Once he almost fell asleep from the boredom, but recovered quite quickly when he saw what had happened to another person who had fallen off his horse and gotten trampled.

When he arrived in the city he leapt off his horse and nearly forgot to tie it up before went off deeper into the town. His eagerness was well-founded though, as his sister was waiting for him feverishly. When he stepped through the door of her two story home she quickly wrapped him in a hug. "So, did you find it?" she eagerly asked.

"Yes, Lininna, I found it. And I'm fine, thanks." He smirked and she scowled, but both grinned broadly when he pulled out the sword.

"This must be it!" she exclaimed. "Congratulations!" she hugged him again, and Lorath returned the gesture. "You're going to keep it, right?"

"Of course," Lorath told her. "I wouldn't have gone through all that trouble just to sell the blade, would I? It should serve me quite well." He smirked, and made to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"I have some business I must attend to now, something that was left undone when I left three years ago..."
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