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Old 11-10-2001, 05:38 AM   #7
Thoth - Egyptian God of Wisdom

Join Date: August 16, 2001
Location: UK
Posts: 2,891
Kaz reached the sewers, gasping. She sat down for a moment, then started again. Stumbling and sliding in the green ooze, she searched for the nearest exit to the city. There, Aerynkoryk said. He was not having as much trouble, Zephyra was very light. Kaz staggered in the direction he had indicated. There was a ladder going upwards to a lid, leading to the streets above. Kaz gently set Neb down against the wall and climbed up. She tried to lift the lid, but it seemed to be bolted. Kaz bit her lip, then cast a Knock spell. The lid creaked open. Lifting Neb, she slowly climbed the ladder and resurfaced in the streets near the Temple district. No one seemed to be about.
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