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Old 11-04-2000, 10:04 PM   #1

Posts: n/a

There are a few changes that could fix the frustrations that you have to fight through to enjoy the game. Maybe for W&W 2 .. here's hoping there is one!

1) Quest descriptions - Have a "Completed Quests" section and move all the text to that section when a character completes a particular quest, so the "Quests" section only shows outstanding quests. Show me quests by Guild type as well as by the name of the NPC that gave them to me. List the quests by brief description (like the current red titles) and let me click on that to expand to the actual text if I need to read it.
Don't have quests I can't complete e.g. after finishing the Crypt I had a character who changed class join the Wizards Guild. Got the quest to investigate Scabban. So I went back and talked to Scabban (hadn't killed him first time through). The guy in the Guild is still telling me to find out what Scabban's up to. So I go back and kill Scabban. No dice. This means I can't get any more Wizard's Guild quests from this guy - very irritating. A better idea is to have a large number of potential Guild quests and randomly assign them to each character when they ask .. then everyone would have different quests to do, and replaying would be more interesting.
Lastly, give lots more XP for completing Quests than killing things. You get more XP from killing a Mountain Spider than completing most of the difficult quests at the moment.

2) Automap - let me change "levels" (an up/down button) on the big map so I can figure out what corridors and stairs connect to what.

3) Hotkeys - please! A key that means "Melee nearest creature on screen" for example. Hotkeys for spells! See any Might & Magic game if you don't know what I'm talking about. I had to buy a new mouse button after fighting bats.

4) Make combat harder, or HP regeneration slower. The only outside creatures I had to use spells on were the Amazoni Mantraps. The occasional "boss" needs a bit of strategy in combat but 99% of the time there's no problem just meleeing every monster you see. You should have to worry more about conserving Mana, and try to find places to hide out to regenerate a bit, for example. There's no tension in the game because of this ("Can I survive to get out of here .. I'm nearly out of Mana and 3 of my characters are nearly dead ..") One of big disappointments in the game was halfway through, when I was really enjoying planning all my class changes etc and I realised it really didn't matter - you could probably play the game through as Warriors, Wizards, Rogues and Priests and never have real problems in most combats.

That's my rant for the day!