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Old 10-25-2000, 06:43 PM   #1
Dungeon Master

Join Date: May 22, 2001
Location: Colorado, USA
Posts: 52


I think I have done a few things wrong. First, I did not go get the rat pie from the crypt keeper's brother. Is this going to cause me a problem?

Second, I have dropped down the broken staircase and now I cannot seem to get OUT of the crypt at all. Is there a way out other than going all the way through? I have found the secret room above the mummy's elevator, I found the statue and opened the gate by typing in the words on the amulet, but I really need to get back to town as I just have too much stuff and need to sell some of it (or drop it, but I am not sure which is magical or not...)

Finally, I found the room with the wizard and warrior ghosts. I defeated them, but now I can't figure out how to get to the top of the staircases without them collapsing...I am sure it is just a switch or something, but where is it?


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