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Old 10-02-2000, 07:56 PM   #7

Posts: n/a

I grew up on the SSI gold boxe series, and I actually returned BG2 after playing it for a couple days for this. I found it tedious moving everyone around, I like the first person view, and I agree that the pathing problems are a nasty bug and can really hurt your experience. BG2 was just too clunky or something, but that's just my personal opinion, I'm not a big fan of the infinity engine.
Some of the quests are hokey, but for the most part bearable. I guess the best part of RPG's for me is the character creation, where you can build a party or character exaclty how you want them. This game offers TONS of options, and I love it for that. It's back to the 'old school' style (getting sick of that prase yet? ) only with great voice acting.
I disagree that W+W is is difficult because of the quests though. You don't have to do any of the guild quests, or mayor quests, just the main ones. I'm only up to the temple, but so far, the only quest that I have required is find the Mavin sword.

----------- SPOILER -------------------------
So far, just find the signet ring.
Go see the oracles in the cave.
Find the remains of the previous fallen hero.

You can skip everything else if you want, so if it's difficult, it's because you want to do everything, which should be difficult.
I think that most games take the easy way out and just put in a difficult boss character rather than take the time to create intricate sub quests and interesting NPC's.

I love the game so far, and it desparately needs a patch. This game totally reminds me of Bard's tale 1 and 2 and Wizardry 1-3 rolled into one.

Just my 2cents
