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Old 10-14-2000, 11:26 PM   #5

Posts: n/a

Thanks for your real comprehensive answer, maybe they should engage you to write their next manual ! We can add the crap manual to the list of failings, I do understand that DWB wants us to find out for ourselves and discover these things rather than have it all laid out in the manual but something like this needs a hint - I mean I have been pissing around with ENCHANT rather than BLESS, and assumed that because the enchant skills gave spells then the bless ones would also. This info is REALLY useful and maybe you could send it to some of the online websites to add to their hints and tips sections. I'm in the Brinloch area and will continue my game but I am starting a new game with single character to "play around" and will use your ideas to bless my stuff and just hex edit to give the required gold. Ive been playing with 2 characters on hard and its been too easy after the first few hours which were real tough, I mean easy in the sense of killing rather than puzzle solving.
Despite its many many failings it is a good game, I especially like the character development, and have been sorely tempted to zap myself the 4 books and get an early Zenmaster but so far have managed to hold back.
