Thread: the blue jinni
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Old 11-18-2000, 07:51 PM   #1

Posts: n/a

Ok i have been walking around with this magic lamp ( the blue jinni lamp) and just now using it...anyways the armor is: chain of argus AC Rating of 4.80, tough: 75%, Regen +1 ...what i want to know is...
(1):::::What is regen +1?:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
(2):::::Is this armor better then the dragon armor?:::::::
You can also get a sword from him called :The Sword of Argus, Damage 6-20 ,Specail Death strike, Encant +2 Hit +2...
(3):::::Is there a sword better thn this?:::::::::::::::::

You also can also get a Power ( trait) called Arm of Argus Trait...
(4):::::What does this do and how do you use it?:::::::::

You can get a few other things like 25 extra hit pionts and more ability pionts ...and you can only use the lamp 3 what to do what to do...

thanks for the help in advance