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Old 11-15-2001, 01:28 AM   #1

Join Date: November 5, 2001
Location: Napa Valley
Age: 52
Posts: 166
Well I am rather new to this game, however I have many years exp with pnp AD&D and the Forgoten Realms.

Here is the situation: I am in planar sphere, and have found these cotton pickin' coweled wizards. My main character--a mage lvl 7--
and the rest of my party seams to be about 10 lvls below these guys.
Strategy has gotten me this far however, I can't sean to take the coweled guys with my limited spell protections. Protection from evil and stoneskin only go so far. Would you say I need to go back and gain many lvls before attempting this quest-- I have not lvl'd yet?

Or should I be able to take the coweled wizards at this stage. My crew is equiped very well by ad&d standards.
Everyone has +2 or better weapons and -4to3 ac.
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