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Old 10-29-2001, 11:39 AM   #6
Banned User

Join Date: September 3, 2001
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Age: 62
Posts: 1,463
Your sight is nearly as fuzzy as your underwear, and the things that are certain seem more fancy than fact. As unlikely as it may seem, you have pure Budweiser coursing through your veins. You are a product of the Time of Closing, a cataclysmic period when the barmen were made flesh and forced you to stagger out of their establishments. One such Barman foresaw both the event and your inevitable attempt to return, and so took steps to prevent you re-entering. This barman strode the bar before his shift, and in his wake left a score of double vodkas at every table. They were intended to be consumed by you and you alone, sending you into a stupor from which you would not return. But you rose to counter these tyrants, and when their evil fell into your stomach, your own two fingers allowed them to rise out once more.

The Barman was Bhaal, Lord of Barmen, and you are one of his customers. You were cared for as a child by Gorion, a powerful drunk that had even more powerful friend in the form of Jack Daniels - a well known stagger merchant.
It was his influence that allowed you to spend your youth in the detox centre of Candlekeep, where the resident Doctors schooled you in your skills. Children were an oddity at the Centre, though you did have a friend in Imoen, a 6ft high invisible Rabbit. She seemed a kindred spirit, though you knew no more of her background than your own. Gorion never explained how you or she came to be there, or why you needed a padded cell...

It was only after his death that you learned the truth about your bloodline, when you were forced into a drinking contest with his killer, another customer of Bhaal. Smirnoff was this customer's name, and he had embraced his foul origins, determined to exploit them and become the next Lord of Barmen. He sought to create cocktails on a massive scale, a war of alcholic sacrifice that would prove his claim to his father's Bar. You unraveled his carefully wrought bar towel, and ultimately it was you that took his drink, sending his spirits back to the Bar. A victory of sorts...

Now you face an uncertain future. A customer of Bhaal, you have a slur that will tempt the ignorant to fear you, and the unscrupulous to use you. And always the essence of Budweiser is within, exerting its dark pull when you are weakest. Which is the greater fear: Losing your ability to speak, or losing all control of your legs?

Only Budweiser and Bhaal have the answers....
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