Thread: Neb
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Old 10-30-2001, 10:58 AM   #24

Join Date: October 12, 2001
Location: Bloomington, MN, USA
Posts: 244
Originally posted by ReGiN:
Look, Skunk only asked the guy, if he could make a slight change in his post.....
If Skunk thought it was a spoiler, then let him think it was a spoiler.
Does it really matter??
Does it hurt one's pride to make a minor change, just to please another human being??
Is it worth debating over, and calling eachother "over-sensitive", and stuff??
Just leave it, it's not like he's telling you to go shoot yourself!
Geez, is everyone feeling argumentative these days?

Let's all unite in a big hug!

What happens next time when Skunk or other "vigilnate" admin asks you to do something you do not agree with? The whole point of having admins is that they have the power to recommend just this type of change, and posess the authority to back it up. If I tell you I think you should change your post because it lacks any grammatical structure or is overtly offensive to me, would you be insulted and possibly a little defensive? I know I would be.

Oh, and making a minor change in your opinion could be a MAJOR change in someone else's opinion. It is all subjective. You may think this is rediculous thing to argue over, but it is basically one group thinking that another group should not have the right to say what they want, and you know what that is called boys and girls? Censorship. When one party takes it into their own power to censor another, we call that "tyranny" and "oppression." A forum admin is selected to be fair and impartial, someone who is not selected for that position is called a dictator.

This may be over the top, but I get sick of seeing posts like this on various forums, where people think "just a little censorship" is okay. It isn't.

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