Thread: Neb
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Old 10-29-2001, 12:11 PM   #8

Join Date: October 12, 2001
Location: Bloomington, MN, USA
Posts: 244
Originally posted by Barb:

What do i do with Neb's head?
The only spoiler here (if you can call it that) is that you find out at some point in the game you get the head of some guy named Neb. If you played BG1, you would know who he is and possibly what happened. But as its asking a question, it seems more like he's asking FOR a spoiler, and not spoiling others.

Plus this whole anal retentive paranoia about spoilers is a bit rediculous anyways, as part of the reason people are here are to learn about the game. Obviously, telling someone exactly where and how to find a certain powerful item or informing them on certain NPC interactions can be considered a spoiler, but ASKING a question about what to do with a certain object seems somewhat less of an infraction.

You might as well ask "what do I do with the Celestial Fury?" DUH! Plus anyone who wants to find out stats or locations of ANY FRIGGIN ITEM in the game can go look at Game Banshee, as they have an excellent cross-referenced list of nearly every item in both SoA and ToB.
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