Thread: Thief Solo...?
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Old 10-29-2001, 10:12 AM   #3

Join Date: October 12, 2001
Location: Bloomington, MN, USA
Posts: 244
I just like the character concept of the Assassin. Plus, his anti-social nature (Shadow Thieves not-withstanding) is conducive to a solo-game. I was thinking a CN Assassin dualed to a mage later, possibly romancing Jaheira or Viconia (Jaheira bringing him to the "good" side as a plot hook, Viconia as the naughty temptress...) and having them as a sidekick.

I also thought perhaps not soloing the entire game, but bringing on one or two NPCs from time to time for their quests. My rationale is a character who does try to be evil, but it is not in his nature, and is constantly doing good things, whether by luck or fate. After this, my CN Elf Fighter-Mage is next, and I will model him after Elric of Melnibone.

BTW, for those who think Elric Kinslayer is evil, you have to realize that in Moorcock's world, Law and Chaos are the reigning ideologies, with good and evil being the way Man sees them due to Man's nature to fear change (and more complicated emotions, but Fear is a good motivating factor). Elric serves Chaos, but strives to defeat it, as well as Law to maintain the Balance. He also does not strive to do good things, nor go out of his way to do bad. Calling him Chaotic Evil is an over-simplification, and demeans the value of this highly developed character. His actions throughout the Eternal Champion series are those of someone torn within himself, and who has no clear path, and at times (frequently) will gamble everything away on a single cast of the die. He is the embodiment of the Chaotic Neutral philosophy.

/rant done
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