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Old 10-29-2001, 12:25 AM   #1
Shagrat The Half Orc

Posts: n/a
I used to fiddle around with scripting, trying to make my own scripts, to no success, found the script maker to be way to complicated.

Has anyone dabbled with script making and actually created a useful script?? I would like it so my party members cast defensive spells on themselves (Stoneskin, Protection from evil 10', +2 AC spell-forgot its name.) after my party rests, that would be so incredibly useful. Also, I would like it so they rejuvenate defensive spells after they run out. I know its possible to do some of these things with the premade scripts, but the premade scripts also do a lot of things i don't like. Has anyone figured out how to do anything of this and can u help me get a successful script going to help me accomplish these tasks??