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Old 10-30-2001, 08:21 AM   #7

Join Date: August 24, 2001
Location: Hannover, Germany
Age: 61
Posts: 173
Originally posted by Yohan Marischal:
Possible SPOILER.
1st time you played the surprised and disappointed were ya when Yoshimo admited to doing the dirty....

Did you have any him getting you into the asylum easily?

I was mightily pissed off...all that experience wasted!

Disappointed: no, surprised: absolutely, disgusted: yes.
Just imagine: I dualed him to a fighter, my thief was lost (equipped with the celestial fury and a giant strength girdle), no more stealth mode (Imoen is a thief but without potions/spells of invisibility useless for scouting). Yoshimo
was much more than a annoyance during the upcoming fight. He was deadly with the CF ...
I never questioned his loyality. There was a strange dialogue with the cowled wizard in Brynnlaw, but I didn't care. Long ago he had asked about the past, the parenthood of my PC, but why not?

Credits to someone at Bioware for this great idea. It's just like a wonderful book or film, I will never forget the plot.

[This message has been edited by Ugaya (edited 10-30-2001).]
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