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Old 10-28-2001, 06:40 AM   #1
Shagrat The Half Orc

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"Daxtylixurzik'cag'ambrixilacktr'sylicta...(name trails on for another 5 lines)", mostly known as the (Ancient Triple Headed Hydra)

Climate: Humongous piles of Charred belongings (the ancient hydra never leaves behind body parts or bones) of people thought to have witnessed it found in a huge maze of tunnels miles beneath the earth, only living person who witnessed the beast is Elminster, one survivor out of an army of 800, he still bears the physical and mental scars of the horrible slaughter. It is thought that elminster didn't escape on his own accord, but rather was chosen to live by the Ancient Hydra for reasons unknown, some say that Elminster is controlled telepathically as a familiar by the brilliant third head of the hydra so that the hydra can affect politics on the surface world. Elminster gives very few details about the event and, strangely enough, is defensive of the creature whenever it is talked about in a conversation, suspicious indeed.

Frequency: only 1 known to exist

Organization: 1 body 3 heads, equivalent to one defender (the body) attached to three attackers(the heads). When the one defender(the body) is killed all three heads perish and cannot attack any more

Activity Cycle: Moves around and hides in deepest, darkest holes below the earth

Diet: Any living thing that has the has the audacity and misfortune to run into it near one of its many hiding places beneath the earth

Intelligence: Head one 3, head two 3, head three 31 (head three thought to be brains of operation, heads one and two being only mindless drones)

Thaco: Head one -24, Head two -24, head three -15

Ac: -18

Special Defense: Immunity to +5 and lower weapons, gets save throw 100 % of the time if save throw is given, 95% magic resist, 92 percent magic dmg resist, 250 % fire resist, 70 percent cold/lightning/acid resist, 289 HP, regenerates 3 HP every 2 seconds

Special Attack:

Head one-"Hellish Devouring"- (special attack which kills person instantly if below 110 HP,person must be with 20 feet of hydra, no save throw, 3 of these attacks usable per day),

Head two-"Acidic Hell Spray"-(special attack, head spits acid in an area 20 feet in diamater, save vs. acid at -8, person who fails save vs throw is blinded for 4 rounds and takes 20 dmg instantly and suffers 2 points of acid dmg every 3 seconds for next 60 seconds, 3 attacks per day),

Head Three is equivalent to a lvl 41 mage and can cast up to lvl 12 spells, spell casting times for head three are reduced by 5, "Favor of the Gods"- ability that heals the Hydra to full, heals it of every possible ailment, regenerates all abilities and spells, only down side is that this ability is used up for good, one time use., "Call of Elminster"-This ability summons elminster for 4 rounds to fight alongside of the beast, perhaps a favor given to the beast by elminster in return for sparing the wizards life, noone knows,usable only once, not regenerated with Favor of Gods ability, "Divine Sacrafice"-Final automatic contingency attack made by hydra, when it dies a person other than your main character is sucked into the hellish abyss along with the hydra and removed from the game permanently, person's belongings r in his place where he died, the next add on to Neverwinter Nights can be all about rescuing this character from his hellish fate and getting him back in the party

Whenever any of the three heads makes a regular melee attack against a person they must make a save vs spell at -10 or suffer an additional 30 points of fire damage, also everyone within 10 feet of the person who was attacked must make a save vs spell or suffer 15 points of fire dmg

Hehe, u can tell i was really bored and had a lot of time on my hands when i wrote this, also this monster is too powerful for SG2 i guess and should be end boss of ToB or Neverwinter Nights please send feedback of "Daxtylixurzik'cag'ambrixilacktr'sylicta...(name trails on for another 5 lines)"

For fun, with each reply u can add more details to monster

[This message has been edited by Shagrat The Half Orc (edited 10-28-2001).]