Thread: Dragons...
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Old 10-26-2001, 08:05 PM   #26
Darth Bob
Drow Warrior

Join Date: October 3, 2001
Posts: 252
Have edwin use his magical prowess of the magicl magic powers in the magical world of Faerun where magic is everywhere, to summon up a TITIAN II (most powerfull nuclear weapon known to man, 65 megatons !!!!!, for those of you who dont know, 1 kiloton = 1,000 tons of TnT, 1 megaton= 1,000,000 tons fo TnT, to put it perspective, Nagasaki was 13 kilotons!) And launch that sucker at that super dragon you made up, then you have 1 dragon microscpic speak of really teny tiny nearly non exsitant peaice of dragon to make a magic item WOO-HOO! See thats were those stupid mutated giberlings came from, the little retards at the snow of the resulting nuclear winter! Oh oops sorry beacuse this isnt "game related (even tho it is Memnoch will say its not) and Memnoch will colse it, sorry, even tho he takes palce in tottaly non game related posts, but I'm just accused of nonsence and jibberish, jibberish being jokes about the BGII game, but hey hes a Austarlalin, what do you expect... I'll really shut up now, I an rambeling now, no need to envolve all you.
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