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Old 10-23-2001, 10:45 AM   #9
The Magister

Join Date: October 16, 2001
Location: Anytown, IL USA
Posts: 121
Huzzah, the God of War hath returned. I had originally posted this thread while sitting in that arcane lair known as work, and thus was unable to defend myself for some time. I would say "luckily for me", but luck had nothing to do with it; some of my fellow alert Waterdeep Guards defended our honor when some snide, sniveling egoists attempted to break into our conversation and ruin this momentous moment! To those of you who stuck your feet in your mouths, you are under arrest! The charge: stupidity. Now if you would kindly put this rope of ensnaring around your own hands, and step into the town dragon's mouth... your trial will be complete. For only such as you would be stupid enough to do such a thing, or be stupid enough to challenge the Elite Order of Waterdeep Guards!



Tehmpus Thales the permanently InSaNe
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