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Old 10-16-2001, 11:05 AM   #7

Join Date: September 23, 2001
Location: Istanbul (not Constantinople)
Age: 45
Posts: 486
Well, this happened in BG1. I had just picked up Minsc, and he was to be my tank. He was first level (11hps) and we rested somewhere's along the way to the Gnoll Stronghold. We were ambushed by an Ogre. I sent Minsc in to hold him back for a round until my mage could get a sleep spell off. Well, he didn't even last that long. The ogre too him out, in one hit, and it was the first hit. It was kinda funny. Minsc didn't even get a chance to finish saying "You point, I punch". It was more "You point, I [SPLAT]"...
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