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Old 10-04-2001, 11:10 PM   #2

Join Date: June 13, 2001
Location: Darkness
Age: 37
Posts: 1,033
First off, I'm pretty sure you need +4 weapons or higher to hit him. Hmm... The best way to do it, if you don't have Slayer Change yet, is to lure his first form to the left side of the screen using someone he's targetting (I think), then beat him to death. Actually, what's best is to get him to near death, then run everyone but Edwin/you Conjurer back out of his sight (these two MUST have Spell Immunity to Abjuration and alos have Death Ward), then use ring of the ram on him to kill his first form. Now, have theose two beat Kangaxx the Demi-Lich to death with some sort of +4 or +5 weapons, like Staff of the Magi and some other things I can't quite remember. *shrug* I can't really remember if there's a better way, I haven't done it in a while...

The Eternal ChAos-bringer of


CCCCCCcccccccHHHHHHHHhhhhhhAAAAAAAaaaaaaaOOOOOOOoo oooooSSSSSSSsssssss.............

[This message has been edited by Encard (edited 10-04-2001).]
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