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Old 10-03-2001, 10:31 PM   #6
Drow Warrior

Join Date: July 13, 2001
Location: Niles,Il USA
Posts: 298
I have played a cleric/fighter/mage. I thought he was very strong. Then I played like a half dozen other classes that were better hehe. The problem is the slow leveling. Your fighter levels go up so slowly so your melee is never what it could be. And you never achieve the highest level spells for mage or cleric.

Personally I like dual class over multi-class. Majority of the time your character will be stronger if you take a class for some of its advantages then switch classes and level up to high levels in another class.

Monks & kensai/mages are great power gaming classes. Kesnasi/thief, ranger/cleric(berserker cleric works great also) are also powerful and good fun. And I simply love sorcerers. It seems like an endless supply of whatever you want to cast!
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