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Old 10-02-2001, 09:39 AM   #4

Join Date: September 23, 2001
Location: Istanbul (not Constantinople)
Age: 45
Posts: 486
Here's what I would consider a really good "made" group.

I would start with this.

Fighter1 (Orc, and go for really high Con over Dex, Long sword, Axe, Sword and shield style)
Fighter2 (Elf, Long or composite bow, but I think there are better long bows in the game, two handed sword, all points into these two, maybe some in two handed weapon style)
Ranger (blunt weapons-I think you get dual wield for free so spec. in mace, flail, sling, and I think you have a free point for anything)
Stalker (an elf, why not? with Bows, long sword, katanas)
Cleric (Mace, Flail, Morningstar, anything a cleric can use but a mage can't)
Thief (maybe swashbuckler) (short bow, and either long sword or

Ok, The Thief, Ranger, and Cleric are all humans. Why? To dual class.

Put all your thief (max int) points into locks and traps, and when you have like 95 in each, then is a good time to dual to a mage.

The Cleric (max int), you could dual to a mage at level 9, but I would wait until level 11, because then you get a 6th level priest spell.

Then that ranger (make sure to max Wis) you gave all the blunt weapons to, dual into a cleric (who can cast all the druid spells, btw). The only problem is when to dual. If you do it at level 8, how you start. Then you lose out on the level 9 proficiecy slot, and I think an extra attack a round), but if you do it at level 9, then can't max out as a cleric, in fact, you lose two levels before the cap, as opposed to the one from when you start (rangers take a lot of XP). The other option is to start a fighter, and dual to a cleric at level 9, but you lose out on the druid spells.

Keep in mind, I've yet to complete chapter 3 before deciding I don't like my party (of NPCs, and the PC I chose) and then starting over. But with a part time cleric that can melee, and a full cleric, two mages, a good scout (the stalker), a good tank, a good archer(I'd perfer using the fighter over the Archer ranger, that way he can back up the tank in melee), a more than halfway decent thief, all rolled up into one party of six characters, you should be prepared for anything.
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