Thread: Hey
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Old 10-24-2001, 04:57 PM   #14

Join Date: October 2, 2001
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland
Age: 42
Posts: 4,774
is anyone else getting sick of Darth Bobs super-sensitivity? no? gues its just me then.

i will buy NWN the very minute EB opens on the day of release. unless i havent got a decent computer by then, in which case ill be buying one just b4.

level SLOWER? damn.
i agree that they wont be allowing imports into multi-player - just look at all the rouble Diablo had.

oh and Darth Bob? we know you love the elder scroll series, but unless youve seen much more info than me (about a half page spread) then you cant possibley know whether or not it will beat NWN, or even BG2 for that matter. although if its anything like daggerfall, than modern technology should ensure that at the least it'll be very very good.
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