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Old 09-30-2001, 05:02 PM   #5

Join Date: September 23, 2001
Location: Istanbul (not Constantinople)
Age: 45
Posts: 486
*minor spoilers*

I'm currently replaying BG1 myself...though not entirely by choice (I just moved and I accidentally put BG2 in a box that I won't be getting for another month or so). It doesn't have the same depth, but it's still pretty interesting. Right now (while I eagerly await the arrival of BG2), I'm playing some characters that I'm going to import into BG2. I have a mage that I'm going to kit into a wild mage, a cleric that I'll dual into a mage, and I might also do some kind of ranger/cleric setup. There are also some benefits to using an imported character. For example, there are books in BG1 that boost your stats permanently, so instead of working with having a total of 85-90 points to put into ability scores, you're working with 91-96 pts.
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