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Old 09-26-2001, 12:08 PM   #2
Terence The Unspecial
Dungeon Master

Join Date: July 24, 2001
Location: Brooklyn, NY, USA
Posts: 80
Originally posted by etherus:
Alright, being a monk, much less anyclass at high level kicks major ass. But as every adventuring man or woman knows, there is one spell that will screw you over many times over, no matter how many times your God(s) decide to reload. Yes, Imprisonment. The most bad ass spell of them all, available to the lich nearst you. So what is the solution other than the two most sacred scrolls in all of faerun? I don't know. Maybe you should ask your dad, or I can get help from fellow adventuring bards and get told of tales of how they know how to beat the awesome and mighty power of the imprisonment spell. Either way, I'll need help, and quickly! I see a lich in the distance casting protection from magical weapons!
I think barbarian rage and beserker rage make you immune to imprisonment. For that matter, so do protection from magic scrolls. Protection from Undead scrolls won't protect you from imprisonment, but I think might stop undead from noticing you....
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