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Old 09-17-2001, 12:39 PM   #6
Dundee Slaytern
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: June 10, 2001
Location: Pasir Ris, Singapore
Age: 41
Posts: 11,063
You got to be kidding me... ... Lvl 6 is one the few Spell Levels that I debate endlessly for my Sorcerer... ...

Death Spell: Kills all creatures with 7 hit dice and less instantanously within it's radius. No save, save Magic Resistance.

Protection from Magical Energy: 100% protection from Area of Effect magical spells. No more worries of Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting and the like.

True Sight: Must I explain this? Unless you have Keldorn, or use your Cleric instead.

Chain Lightning: I love this spell, most people do too.

Contingency: I always have this spell. It is very, very handy to have around.

Misled: If you have read my ToB thread, you will know that this spell is totally awesome and totally cheesy too. To summarise, this spell means total invisibility which cannot be dispelled if used correctly, even by True Sight.

Pierce Magic: Useful until you get the higher-level versions.

These are the ones I always ponder over when I create my Sorcerer.

If not a Sorcerer casting total oblivion, then a Paladin meting out justice. Otherwise, I think I will just be a bard and torture my enemies with, "My Heart Will Go On".

Platinium Sorcerer of ALSB, Aerie Loving Sacred Band! She's MeowRrrr, and more!

Baldur's Gate Item Mart
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