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Old 10-11-2001, 06:37 PM   #6

Join Date: October 2, 2001
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland
Age: 42
Posts: 4,774
if i make this out correctly, you are indeed bugged out of the game and need to restart - but anyway the rope is for the tower just north of where you get it. read the dialogue etc. how many times have i been phoned at 10PM to answer a stupid question cos sombody forgot to read dialogue? dunno. hundereds.

actually on re-reading your post this sounds a lot like the old global variable limit bug for TotSC, except theres no WAY that black isle would even chance that happening again - and even then it could only happen near the end of a game.

um. Shadow Keeper might have screwed it, or maybe theres a problem with an old version (how many times have i been asked stupid question cos of old versions? even more than the last one). could even be damage caused by not shutting down windows right(you may laugh and pour scorn on me for this suggestion - but i once had a save game corruption that caused me to skip 3 levels, although that was years ago and the game was much simpler.

if i was you i would just restart, or you could ty a really old save. and of course get the latest versions etc. not much else you can do really, i you know the infinity engine _really well_ you could get SK and fix all the gvars, but i woudnt recomend it.

oh and kazil?

just calm down and read the mans post will yah - you might note this is a "bug" post and not a "what next" post. thanx. and its anyone your in a romance with, not just aerie. tho she is the one i would leave behind if it came to it. to be safe - romance with jaheria - she takes forever to get going with - like in chapter 7 and still waiting.
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