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Old 10-12-2001, 12:07 PM   #5
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: September 25, 2001
Location: San Antonio, TX, USA
Posts: 5
Viconia left because you were doing too much good. Had you just saved someone's life or something? There you go. She said something like 'You cowardly, worthless excuse for an abbil, next time we meet it shall be on the battle field" it means you were doing too much good. It wasn't the sleeping with her, I don't think. I heard of another perosn's realationship where he slept with her three times and someone came to kill her and she decided the realationship was over but was still in their party. Whereas in my game I did too much good w/viconia and edwin in my party and they both left calling me a coward. That is my guess.

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