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Old 09-04-2001, 03:47 PM   #57
White Dragon

Join Date: April 1, 2001
Location: UK
Age: 43
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"OW! Hey, watch i - YIKES!"
Karnas dives aside as the Dalek's zapper fires, barely avoiding the blast encumbered as he is. He hits the ground with a CLANG, eyes shut tight, waiting for the end...
Nothing comes. Gingerly, the mage opens one eye to see the bemused Dalek looking from side-to-side, wondering where its' target went. Even the strange apparatus - that bore a curious resemblance to the wand Cheesy used to unblock the drains - could not reach ground level. Karnas watched, mesmerised at the poor design of the Dalek.
Eventually, he crawled away, behind the odd thing, tapping on its' metal bonce. The Dalek wheeled around in the direction of the tap, but Karnas merely walked around the pepper-pot shaped creature. After a few roundabout turns, Karnas tired of the game, reached down and tipped the Dalek up. He walked back to the table he was had been crouching under, chuckling.

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