Thread: Kang@ss is BS!!
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Old 08-26-2001, 08:50 PM   #8
Drow Warrior

Join Date: July 13, 2001
Location: Niles,Il USA
Posts: 298
Dang dude relax! You know I have always thought liches were the ultimate monster in D&D damn near unkillable (now on paper they may not be but from a roleplaying perspective no dm should put a lich in a position to be killed in a straight up fight. liches are too cunning for that). Anyhow Kangaxx turns into a demi lich which really is one of the nastiest monsters in all of d&d even on paper.
That being said I found kangaxx to be one of the easiest quest type fights once the proper strategy was used. You just need to approach the battle from a different way since it seems you are not having any luck with your current strategy.
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