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Old 08-25-2001, 10:14 PM   #5
Lord Ao

Join Date: August 25, 2001
Location: Winchester ,Virginia , United States
Age: 71
Posts: 2,081
Madrigan S_P_O_I_L_E_R not really

I have started and finished SOA 11 times, TOB twice and one time
all the way through from the Dungeon under AHM in SOA to the end of TOB!!!
Twice I've played a mage as my main character and still kicked BUTT!!
so don't sweat it but dump Edwin and Vicona !! You can get Vicona back
later in the game she hangs out at the graveyard just praying for your
return. As far as Edwin goes, stick your tongue between your lips and
blow at him. Get rid of the bum there are to many great RPGs left to pick
up in the game. If you really want to duel class your main character
then go to the IronWorks Website and down load Shawdow Keeper. You can
turn your Half-Elf Conjurer into a Fighter/Mage without any effect to
your game other than having A more powerful main player perhaps this
alone would save you all your problems . Don't worry about Shadow Keeper
messing up your game it creates a new save game without disturbing your
save game you want modifyed, so if you don't like what you have done
just go bact to the original save game with no harm done. Try It once
also place a Shadow Keeper icon on your desktop and you can use it to
modify any SOA orTOB game anytime you happen to get a wild hair. Once
I made a party of 40th level evil mages and layed waste to most of Ahm
but I dont recommend This for a serious game but it beat laying waste
to my wife for backing into the bedroom wall, anyway good luck kick

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The Man Made The Blade
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In Their Way! BEWARE ALL!
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