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Old 08-24-2001, 06:44 AM   #3

Join Date: August 24, 2001
Location: Hannover, Germany
Age: 61
Posts: 173
I'm playing the patched English version of SoA without ToB, so perhaps my proposals will be useless if you have ToB installed already.
I experienced lots of bugs during the Jaheria romance (events that never happen, dialogue loops... ). Setting the Global Variable JaheiraRomance to 1 often worked but once the local variable Lovetalk was frozen too (at a value of 52).
When I set Lovetalk to 53 and JaheiraRomance to 1 (using ShadowKeeper) the romance continued immediately.
Some Lovetalks need special conditions to be met (resting, outdoors, the appearance of certain persons (Bandits, Jaheira's Harper "friends" etc.).
There is an unofficial bugfix available at Baldurdash called "Updated Improved Jaheira Romance/Harper Plot Fix". It contains a readme file with detailed descriptions of problems and solutions which might be helpful. I installed it and everything works fine (unfortunately, it is written only for SoA).

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